
So, do you love tea? More importantly, have you felt a strong desire to drink Ancillary Justice-themed tea?

Now you can!

Click on over to Adagio Teas, where I’ve made three novel-related blends:

Justice is a green tea–the main component is kukicha, with a bit of cucumber white and some coconut. If you’re not a green tea fan, this might not be your thing. Kukicha is leaves and stems, and very…it’s the sort of thing reviewers at Adagio call “grassy” which, I guess I can see. I like it a lot, personally, but if you don’t, you’ll probably prefer….

Propriety, which is a white tea with apricot and cornflowers. Very mild, just a bit fruity.

Or you could go for Benefit, which is a black tea, with orange and chocolate. This tea smells amazing in the bag, and it’s the one my daughter and her friends drank all up last winter.

Benefit, by the way, is in a ‘ship with Propriety, which in Adagio-speak means that if you order both, you get ten percent off.

Oh, and some fandom blenders over at Adagio make the most beautiful labels, but…well, you can see from my labels just exactly how skilled I am at graphic design. Which is to say, not very. Well, it is what it is.

Now, you’re probably wondering what I get out of this deal. So, it works like this: when someone buys one of my blends, I get points that I can apply towards the purchase of more tea. Like I need more tea! (It is all research, I swear!) So one bag sold equals essentially one dollar towards my next tea purchase at Adagio.

The website says they ship overseas, too, btw, though I imagine it’s kind of expensive to do so.

And no, I don’t have a tea problem, I can stop any time, I swear.

2 thoughts on “Tea!

  1. EHyde says:

    I bought the Justice and Propriety blends, and they’re both delicious! (I think I prefer Justice, but Propriety makes a really nice iced tea). Thank you for sharing!

    1. Ann says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I like them both a lot, myself. 😀

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