
I had a fabulous time at Vericon last weekend! I got to hang out with some wonderful folks and have some great conversations, and it was just overall a wonderful weekend. Some highlights! First off, the hotel bar had an interesting drink menu:

2016-03-18 21.39.23

2016-03-18 21.39.23

I decided to try the Pear-side-in Adventure, which was actually quite good.

the Pear side in Adventure

That was Friday night, and I’m not much of a photographer so I figured that would be the extent of my convention photos. But I was wrong. So, so wrong. Citizens, I give you this team of Interdimensional Cosplayers:

2016-03-19 10.59.11

It’s obvious what’s going on here, right? That’s Hamilton/Breq in the middle, and she’s recruited Agent Carter, Lieutenant Peepsarwat, and Translator Zeiat in her search for the Presger gun. That case Agent Carter is carrying?

2016-03-19 10.57.19

Holds Presger bullets. Delicious, chocolate Presger bullets.

Look at them. I mean, just look!

2016-03-19 10.57.38

2016-03-19 10.57.42


It’s kind of difficult to see, but in the cup there’s a tea infuser in the shape of an orange fish.

Anyway. I had a fabulous time–the Vericon volunteers took great care of me, the panels were fun, I got to hang with friends of mine and I had some great lunches and dinners with new people who I’m glad to have met, and my plane left Boston ahead of predicted bad weather. It was about as good a time as a convention can be.

6 thoughts on “Vericon

  1. W
    Wilson F says:

    I’d love to know how the panels with Ada Palmer (et al) went. I started reading her fabulous Ex Urbe blog a few years ago and I’m really looking forward to her first book coming out.

    1. Ann says:

      They were fabulous panels! I had not met Ada before but she’s pretty wonderful and super smart. (and I got an ARC of her novel Too Like the Lightning which doesn’t come out for months yet and I’m really looking forward to reading it!)

      1. Fran says:

        TLTL is SO good. And Ada is wonderful.

        Team Ancillary Cosplay is still making me happy, days later.

        1. Ann says:

          ME TOO! 😀

      2. W
        Wilson F says:

        Yes, she really is super smart. If you have time to read a few of her blog posts, I highly recommend them.

        Her essays on Machiavelli are both highly educational and (to me) hilariously written.

        I got to hear her read from Too Like the Lightning at Sasquan, which was very cool.

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